Equal Employment Opportunities

CST is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws. We firmly believe in creating a diverse and inclusive workplace that values the contributions of all individuals.

  1. Non-Discrimination Policy - CST strictly prohibits discrimination in any aspect of employment, including but not limited to recruitment, hiring, promotion, compensation, benefits, and termination. Discrimination based on protected characteristics is inconsistent with our values and will not be tolerated.

  2. Recruitment and Selection - We are dedicated to recruiting, hiring, and promoting individuals based on their qualifications, skills, and abilities. Our selection processes are designed to be fair and free from bias, ensuring all applicants have an equal opportunity to compete for positions within the company.

  3. Reasonable Accommodation - CST is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on CST. Reasonable accommodation may be, depending on the circumstances, modification or adjustment to a job, the work environment, or the way things usually are done that enables an employee with a disability to perform the essential functions of a job and to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment. If an employee requests a reasonable accommodation for a physical or mental limitation, he/she should do so in writing. CST may request a healthcare provider’s statement documenting the need for the requested accommodation and providing other relevant information. All requests for reasonable accommodation should be submitted in writing to Human Resources. In addition, CST provides reasonable accommodation to an employee for health conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth upon an employee’s request, with the advice of the employee’s licensed healthcare provider or certified doula, unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operation of CST’s business. No advice from the employee’s licensed health care provider or certified doula will be needed, and undue hardship will not apply if the pregnant employee requests more frequent restroom, food and water breaks, seating, or limits on lifting over 20 pounds. In no instance will CST be required to create a new or additional position to accommodate health conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth and CST will not be required to discharge any employee, transfer any other employee with greater seniority, or promote any employee.

  4. Anti-Harassment - Harassment, including sexual harassment and any form of unwelcome behavior based on protected characteristics, is strictly prohibited at CST. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy for harassment in any form. This policy applies to every person in our company regardless of gender, sexual orientation, level, function, seniority, status, or other protected characteristics. We are all obliged to comply with this policy. CST reserves the right to determine whether particular conduct violates this policy or is otherwise inappropriate. All employees are expected to treat their co-workers, subordinates, supervisors, customers, and others with whom they come into contact in connection with their work, with respect at all times.

  5. Reporting Discrimination or Harassment - Employees who believe they have experienced or witnessed discrimination or harassment are encouraged to report the incident to their supervisor, manager, or Human Resources. We will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports confidentially and respectfully.

  6. Affirmative Action - We are committed to fostering diversity within our workforce and will take affirmative action to achieve this goal. We actively seek to identify and remove barriers to equal employment opportunities for underrepresented groups.

  7. Compliance with Laws - CST complies with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations governing equal employment opportunities. CST reserves the right to determine whether particular conduct violates any part of these policies or is otherwise inappropriate. If an investigation of a complaint of an alleged violation of these policies provides evidence of inappropriate behavior, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including unpaid suspension and/or immediate termination.

Employees are expected to familiarize themselves with and adhere to these policies. We encourage all employees to help create and maintain a work environment that is inclusive, respectful, and free from discrimination.